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 Management Fundamentals: 

This generic elective course targets various managerial competencies and approaches to management. Understand the role and need of Planning, Organizing, Decision Making and Controlling. Learn to make use of principles of goal setting and planning for simple as well as complex tasks and small projects. Compare and analyse the various organizational structures of variety of business and not-for-profit entities in a real world context. Build a list of the decision making criteria used by practicing managers, leaders and entrepreneurs in routine and non-routine decision making situations and analyse the same. FORMULATE and DISCUSS a basic controlling model in a real life business, start-up and not-for-profit organizational context.

 Indian Economy: 

This generic elective course targets at the present state of Indian Economy and major economic policy issues in the current context. Understand the sectoral composition of the Indian Economy and DISCUSS the trends therein. Know the consequences of Growth of Monopolies, Concentration of Economic Power and Inequality in the Indian Economy. Analyse the changing profile of human capital, employment, productivity and illustrate the linkages with GDP composition of India. Evaluate the role of Foreign Trade in the Indian Economy. Build a case for co-existence of LPG model along with the role of the state in the Indian Economy.


 Entrepreneurship Development: 

This generic elective course targets the Attributes and Characteristics of Entrepreneurs features and enumerate the factors influencing Entrepreneurship Growth. Understand various theories of entrepreneurship. Construct a framework for a typical EDP. Analyse the role of Government and various support organizations in encouraging and supporting Entrepreneurship. Evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities in contemporary local, regional and national context. Learn to create a business plan for an entrepreneurial venture.


 Essentials of Psychology for Managers: 

This generic elective course targets the basic concepts of psychology. Understand the sensing and perceiving processes. Applying principles of learning and conditioning to human behavior. Analysing the linkages between learning, memory, and information processing. Evaluate the basic intrapersonal processes that influence social perception.


 Legal Aspects of Business: 

This generic elective course targets the key terms involved in each Act. Understand the key legal provisions of each Act. Apply the use of the Acts in common business situations. Analyse the various facets of basic case laws of each Act from a legal and managerial perspective.


 Demand Analysis & Forecasting: 

This generic elective course targets the key terms associated with demand analysis, demand estimation and demand forecasting. Understand the use of demand forecasting in various functions of management. Identify the pros and cons of various forecasting methods. Deconstruct a forecast into its various components. Build a forecast for common products and services using time-series data.


 Verbal Communication Lab: 

This generic elective course targets various elements of communication, channels of communication and barriers to effective communication. Understand effectively in routine and special real world business. Demonstrate and apply appropriate use of body language. Take part in professional meetings, group discussions, telephonic calls, elementary interviews and public speaking activities. Evaluate the pros and cons of sample recorded verbal communications in a business context. Create and deliver effective business presentations, using appropriate technology tools, for common business situations.


 Enterprise Analysis & Desk Research: 

This generic elective course targets the key historical, organizational, market related, financial, governance, leadership and social responsibility dimensions of a real world business organization. Understand the regional, national and global footprint of a real world business organization. Demonstrate the use of secondary – offline and online resources to profile a real world business organization. Analyse, using tables and charts, the trends in market standing & financial performance of a real world business organization over the last 5 years. Compose a brief summary of future plans of a real world business organization the company website, shareholders reports and other information available in the public domain. Identify the key challenges and opportunities for a real world business organization in the immediate future (1 to 3 years).


 Selling & Negotiation Skills Lab: 

This generic elective course targets from a point of view of skills building. Learn the various selling situations and selling types. Helps understand how the pre-sales work to be carried out by a professional salesperson. Learn to apply the key individuals involved in a real world sales process for a real world product/ service / e-product / e-service. Articulate a sales script for a real world sales call for a product/ service / eproduct / e-service. Evaluate the pros and cons of sample real world sales calls for a product/ service / e-product / e-service. Develop a sales proposal for a real world product/ service / e-product / eservice and for a real world selling situation.


 MS Excel: 

This generic elective course targets the most important tool for managers at work place called spread sheet. The course on MS Excel is a completely lab oriented by which student learns appropriate menus and functions. Create, Format, Import, Merge, Save, Print Spreadsheets & Charts using business data. Understand how to do basic troubleshooting and fix mistakes most people make when working with spreadsheets. Apply in lab various functions of MS Excel, Execute pivot table analysis, common (and powerful functions), and different types of lookups (vlookup, hlookup, and index/match). Learn the commonly used data manipulation commands. Evaluate and find the answers to relevant business questions. Create standard Excel Templates for routine business data management and analysis activities.


 Business Systems & Procedures: 

This generic elective course targets the key elements of a typical business system and related work flow procedures. Understand the business system and related procedures. Foresee the fail points / bottle necks in a typical business process. Analyse a business system into simpler components and explain the interrelationships. Learn to create standard operating procedures and flow charts / other visual representations for typical business systems and processes.



 Managing Innovation: 


This generic elective course targets the key ideas relevant to innovation, intellectual property, and business models. Interpret the various theories of innovation along with examples of the types of innovation. Experiment with innovation as a systematic process and generate innovative ideas for new products and services. Analyse contemporary start-up businesses for their business models, extent of innovation, success and failure. Create an inventory of product and process innovations for daily use consumer products and routine business processes in a typical organization. Build a potential list of innovation needs for India in the local, regional and national context and assess the likelihood of constructing a business model around these needs in the current local, regional and national context.



 Foreign Language – I: 


This generic elective course targets one of the following foreign languages to the students: SPANISH / FRENCH/ GERMAN/ JAPANESE / CHINESE. Students should recall and spell simple words in the foreign language. Translate simple sentences from English to the foreign language and vice-versa. Construct a dialogue, in the foreign language, for basic human interactions in asocial context. Take part in an interaction in a non-business setting using the foreign language. Interpret a short write up written in the foreign language.



 Contemporary Frameworks in Management: 


This generic elective course targets Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Identify the benefits of emotional intelligence and relate the 5 Dimensions of Trait EI Model to the practice of emotional intelligence. Understand how companies achieve transition from being good companies to great companies, and discuss why and how most companies fail to make the transition. Apply the 21 laws that make leadership work successfully to improve your leadership ability and ILLUSTRATE its positive impact on the whole organization. Analyse the fundamental causes of organizational politics and team failure. Evaluate the approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to the "true north" principles based on a universal and timeless character ethic.



 Geopolitics & World Economic Systems: 


This generic elective course targets the various elements of global economic system. Elucidate the role of key trade organizations in the global economic system. Identify the crucial elements of international trade laws. Analyse the forces that work for and against globalization. Evaluate the impact of the elements of the Global Economic System on the India Economy.



 Start Up and New Venture Management: 


This generic elective course targets the strategic decisions involved in establishing a startup. Understand the decision making matrix of entrepreneur in establishing a startup. Identify the issues in developing a team to establish and grow a startup. Learn to simplify a go to market strategy for a startup. Evaluate a workable funding model for a proposed startup. Develop a convincing business plan description to communicate value of the new venture to customers, investors and other stakeholders.



 Qualitative Research Methods: 


This generic elective course targets the key terms associated with Qualitative research approach. Compare and contrast Qualitative research approach with the Quantitative approach. Apply appropriate research and sampling designs for Qualitative research work in real world business and non-business contexts. Classify the use of appropriate qualitative research methods in real world business and non-business contexts. Evaluate the quality of Qualitative Research work. Combine Qualitative and Quantitative research approaches in a real world research project.



 Business, Government & Society: 


This generic elective course targets the economic roles of government in the Indian context. Understand the macroeconomic crises around the world. Apply the interlinkages between economic growth, poverty, and inequality. Analyse the rationale, success and failures of Public-Private-Partnerships in the Indian context. Evaluate the forces for and against Globalization and the socio-economic impact of Globalization. Discuss the interplay between technology, business and society.



 Business Process Re-engineering: 


This generic elective course targets the key terms associated with Business Process Reengineering. Understand the various supporting and opposing forces to Business Process Reengineering in simple business situations. Apply modeling tools for simple business processes. Analyse a working plan to establish a Business Process Reengineering team. Evaluate the success of a Business Process Reengineering (BPR) initiative in relation to the impact on organizational KPIs. Create ways to improve business or non-business processes.



 Written Analysis and Communication Lab: 


This generic elective course targets the stages in a typical communication cycle and the barriers to effective communication. Understand long essays and reports into précis and executive summaries. Learn the use of Dictionary and Thesaurus to draft and edit a variety of business written communication. Analyse sample internal communications in a business environment for potential refinements. COMPOSE variety of letters, notices, memos and circulars.



 Industry Analysis & Desk Research: 


This generic elective course targets the key characteristics of the players in an industry. Understand the management ethos and philosophy of the players in the industry. Demonstrate an understanding of the regulatory forces acting on the industry. Compare and contrast, using tables and charts, the market and financial performance of the players in an industry. Assess the impact of recent developments on the industry and its key players. Predict the future trajectory of the evolution of the industry in the immediate

future (1 to 3 years). Under the faculty’s guidance, a group of 3 to 5 students will be studying 2 distinct industries and submit the structured detailed report.



 Entrepreneurship Lab: 


This generic elective course targets the potential business opportunities in the local, regional or national context. Compare and contrast the shortlisted business opportunities to SELECT the most suitable / promising opportunity. Develop a business model around the shortlisted business opportunity. Analyse the organization structure for the proposed start up. EVALUATE the market potential and ESTIMATE the financing requirements for the initial 1 to 3 years after launch. Create a proposal for funding the start up.





This generic elective course targets the key menus of SPSS and describe their functionality. Understand the main features of SPSS. Application of various tools to manage date, describe data and display graphical output using SPSS. Analyse data using various statistical tests of SPSS. Evaluate the outputs from SPSS. Design, develop and test advanced multivariate models using SPSS.



 Foreign Language II: 


This generic elective course targets to simple audio-visual recordings in the foreign language. Translate simple letters from English to the foreign language and vice-versa. Construct a business email, in the foreign language. Take part IN an interaction in a business setting using the foreign language. Evaluate a covering letter and resume in the foreign language.

1.  Management Fundamentals: 
2. Indian Economy
3. Entrepreneurship Development:
4. Essentials of Psychology for Managers:
5.Legal Aspects of Business:
6. Demand Analysis & Forecasting:
7. Verbal Communication Lab:
8. Enterprise Analysis & Desk Research:
9. Selling & Negotiation Skills Lab:
10. MS Excel:
11. Business Systems & Procedures:
12. Managing Innovation:
13. Foreign Language – I:
14. Contemporary Frameworks in Management:
15. Geopolitics & World Economic Systems:
16. Start Up and New Venture Management:
17. Qualitative Research Methods:
18. Business, Government & Society:
19. Business Process Re-engineering:
20. Written Analysis and Communication Lab:
21. Industry Analysis & Desk Research:
22. Entrepreneurship Lab:
23. SPSS:
24. Foreign Language II:
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