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KJEI is a vision of our founder President which aspires all students to succeed in the world. We offer a wide variety of challenging, enjoyable and successful course opportunities with co curricular activities for an all round personality development. It’s our belief that being in our campus should be experience of a life time. Our Students are our main focus and we are proud of achievements of our Students and Faculty. At KJEI we believe that true education is a right blend of intelligence and character. We educate our Students to maximize their innate potential along with positive social behavior. We empower the young minds with all the requisite skill sets thus developing successful global citizen.
Progress for me has never been a dream. It has always been an achievable reality and once a milestone is achieved, there is always another one waiting to be crossed. We are continuously striving to achieve our goals and make KJEI a global name to reckon with. My best wishes to all the Students and TEAM KJEI.
Maj. Gen. Sameer Kalla VSM (Retd.)
Executive Director, KJEI, Pune